What the cannabis industry is saying about Canada’s new edibles rules

Canada has spelled out its final regulations for the next generation of legal cannabis products. As promised, the new rules will take effect on Oct. 17, but Canadians will have to wait until at least Dec. 16 to purchase edibles, vapes, topicals and beverages.
— Read on ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/what-the-cannabis-industry-is-saying-about-canadas-new-edibles-rules-204622662.html

Quebec cannabis sales totalled $71 million in first year

MONTREAL — Quebec’s provincially operated cannabis shops made $71 million in sales in their first year and sold the most cannabis in the country in terms of dollars and volume, but they still posted a $4.9-million loss to be covered by the provincial government. The provincial cannabis corporation — known as the SQDC — said in a statement that the provincial government revenues from consumption and excise taxes totalled about $21.7 million…
— Read on www.msn.com/en-ca/money/topstories/quebec-cannabis-sales-totalled-dollar71-million-in-first-year/ar-AACN1yj