Cash Havens With $4.8 Trillion Fret Unthinkable Negative Returns

(Bloomberg) — Money-market mutual funds, the ultimate havens for investors looking to preserve capital, once again are trying to maneuver in a zero interest-rate environment. The problem this time? They’re sitting on twice as much cash.Assets in money-market funds have soared to a record $4.77 trillion
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ECB Could Be Europe’s Back Door to Sharing Its Debt Burden

(Bloomberg) — Euro-zone leaders who oppose sharing the costs of the coronavirus crisis might end up doing so anyway — through the European Central Bank.The idea that the ECB could absorb the massive debt that builds up in the recession is gaining traction among some economists. If done carefully and
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Argentina Faces Critical Decision With $500 Million Payment Due

(Bloomberg) — Argentina is facing a day of reckoning as it stares down $500 million in interest payments while it seeks to renegotiate terms on its sovereign debt.Skipping the coupons due today on three global bonds would trigger a 30-day grace period that Argentina could use to reach a settlement with
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