Tens of thousands of protesters force delay in Hong Kong extradition bill debate – Reuters

Tens of thousands of Hong Kong demonstrators surrounded the Chinese-ruled city’s legislature on Wednesday, forcing it to postpone a second round of debate on an extradition bill that would allow people to be sent to mainland China for trial.
— Read on www.reuters.com/article/us-hongkong-extradition/tens-of-thousands-of-protesters-force-delay-in-hong-kong-extradition-bill-debate-idUSKCN1TC1WR

China Central Banker Says No Specific Yuan Level Important

“There is obviously a link between the trade war and the movements of renminbi,” Yi said in an exclusive interview in Beijing, using the official term for China’s currency. Yi said that yuan’s depreciation has come thanks to market forces — it is “basically determined by supply and demand of the market
— Read on ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/china-central-banker-says-no-014923075.html

China’s Foreign Exchange Reserves Rise After April Dip

Key InsightsThe reading is slightly higher than the median estimate of $3.09 trillion in a Bloomberg survey of economists “There may be some forex outflow pressure – one piece of evidence was that the renminbi fixing rates came in significantly stronger than the forecasts over the past few weeks,” according
— Read on ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/china-apos-foreign-exchange-reserves-002259788.html

BREAKINGVIEWS – Hong Kong risks its future as global business hub – Reuters

(Reuters Breakingviews) – Carrie Lam’s government could squander Hong Kong’s privileged position in the eyes of foreign governments. A bill that would allow extradition to the mainland prompted hundreds of thousands to protest on Sunday. If the chief executive ignores the message, Washington, Brussels and others may reconsider their relationship with the territory. That would hurt both Hong Kong and China.
— Read on www.reuters.com/article/us-hongkong-extradition-march-breakingvi/breakingviews-hong-kong-risks-its-future-as-global-business-hub-idUSKCN1TB0D4