Head of the world’s largest hedge fund says report of a massive $1 billion bet that the stock market will tumble by March is wrong – MarketWatch

Bridgewater Associates disputes elements of a Wall Street Journal report on Friday indicating that his fund was putting on a $1.5 billion bet that global…
— Read on www.marketwatch.com/story/head-of-the-worlds-largest-hedge-fund-says-report-of-a-massive-1-billion-bet-that-the-stock-market-will-tumble-by-march-is-wrong-2019-11-22

Founder of world’s biggest hedge fund says ‘world has gone mad’ with easy money and ‘system is broken’ – MarketWatch

Ray Dalio, the founder of hedge fund behemoth Bridgewater Associates, believes that investors aren’t necessarily investing on a solid footing.
— Read on www.marketwatch.com/story/founder-of-worlds-biggest-hedge-fund-warns-of-big-squeeze-with-investors-buying-dreams-rather-than-earnings-2019-11-05