The euro-area economy remains on track with European Central Bank projections that foresee an upturn later this year, policy maker Bostjan Vasle said. The ECB is gearing up for a meeting in Lithuania in two weeks that will include updates to its forecasts and discussions over how generous to make a
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How Much Should You Save? 40% Would Struggle With $400 Emergency – Bloomberg
Many U.S. households find themselves in a fragile position financially, even in an economy with an unemployment rate near a 50-year low, according to a Federal Reserve survey.
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Fairfax’s Watsa Sees Trade Tensions Easing, Growth in India – Bloomberg
Investor Prem Watsa sees more room to run in the global economy because trade tensions with China will ease, and calls India the “single best place” to put money.
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China can maintain ‘healthy’ growth despite trade friction: planning official – Reuters
China can maintain healthy, sustainable economic growth even as it suffers some impact from trade friction with the United States, a senior official from China’s state planner was quoted as saying on Friday.
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Trump predicts ‘fast’ trade deal with China but provides no evidence
U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday predicted a swift end to the ongoing trade war with China, although no high-level talks have been scheduled between the two countries.
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CMHC CEO defends mortgage stress test changes amid calls for loosening rules – BNN Bloomberg
CMHC CEO defends mortgage stress test changes amid calls for loosening rules – BNN Bloomberg
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U.S. Fed minutes signal patience on rate moves for ‘some time’ – BNN Bloomberg
U.S. Fed minutes signal patience on rate moves for ‘some time’ – BNN Bloomberg
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Poloz expects rates to rise ‘a bit’ but unsure on timing – BNN Bloomberg
Poloz expects rates to rise ‘a bit’ but unsure on timing – BNN Bloomberg
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