Bank of Canada holds rates, says economic slowdown likely temporary – Reuters

The Bank of Canada held interest rates steady as expected on Wednesday, but said there was increasing evidence that the economic slowdown was temporary and that growth accelerated in the second quarter.
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Italy Gets ECB Pushback on Debt Idea, Told to Sort Out Finances

Italy came in for further criticism from the European Central Bank on Wednesday, with policy makers rejecting the idea of a debt guarantee and renewing warnings about excessive debt. ECB Vice President Luis de Guindos said the lesson from Italy’s run-ins with the European Commission over its spending
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European Central Bank sends Italy a warning over debt

FRANKFURT — The European Central Bank says that challenges to financial stability in the eurozone have risen amid risks to growth from trade tensions, and warns that indebted governments such as Italy could run into trouble if they don’t heed rules limiting debt and deficits.The warning in an ECB
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Braid: May’s ‘Canadian oil’ idea would be the end of Canadian oil | Calgary Herald

A casual glance at the news might lead one to believe Green Party Leader Elizabeth May had a conversion.She wants Canada to stop importing foreign oil, and use only Canadian oil — the very argument many Albertans have made for years.
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