Bank of Canada Poised to Follow Fed With Rate Cuts, Traders Bet – Bloomberg

The Bank of Canada is likely to join the U.S. Federal Reserve with an interest rate cut this year to deal with the fallout from rising trade tensions, according to trading in the swaps market.
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Google, Facebook and Apple Fall on Antitrust Scrutiny

The DOJ’s preparations to investigate Google, first reported late Friday, mark the Trump administration’s first concrete step to scrutinize the potentially anti-competitive conduct of a large technology firm. On Monday, a person familiar with the matter said the FTC will oversee antitrust scrutiny into
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How to Retire With Millions

With the rising cost of living and a longer life expectancy, the most realistic way of retiring comfortably is to be a millionaire by the time you stop working full time. This may sound like a pipe dream but it’s actually not that difficult to achieve, even for ordinary people. It does, however, require careful planning. Here are some tips to help you retire with millions.
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